The Splendour No.3

“The Splendour No.3” is part of the Splendour family, along with Splendour No.1 and No.2, but with its own unique twist due to its distinct colour palette. Featuring stylish green tones, and occasional large flowers that seem to emerge in certain areas of your wall while fading into the background in others. A beautiful backdrop for a subtle space. This wallpaper design by daisy james exudes class and style in any interior, just like its sisters “The Splendour 1 and 2”, but in its own distinct way.

The Tribe No.2

Intriguing wisdom lies hidden within tribal art, as exemplified by the Aboriginal proverb: ‘The more you know, the less you need.’ Unearth the wealth of knowledge embedded in these artistic creations. At daisy james, we challenge you to embark on a quest for profound insights, woven intricately into tribal art. Discover the hidden gems and let them enrich your life with newfound wisdom and understanding. Embrace this journey of enlightenment and marvel at the depth of meaning that awaits you.

The Lagoon No.2

In a mystical forest, a hidden lagoon thrived amidst majestic trees. Seasons painted the landscape, from blooming blossoms to fiery autumn hues, creating a captivating oasis. Legends spoke of its guardian spirit, bestowing visitors with calm and rejuvenation. Captivated by its magic, our designers immortalized this enchantment in “The Lagoon” , bringing its beauty to homes worldwide. Discover the serenity and wonder of “The Lagoon” in your space.