
Project details

David Anthony Chenault uses daisy james in luxury projects

David Anthony Chenault is an extraordinary and inspiring man who has won numerous awards for his interior designs around the world, including a nomination in 3 categories at the International Hotel and Property Awards 2022. David Anthony Chenault designs unique projects for luxury hotels, restaurants, and clubs worldwide. This American, with the look of a rock star, has a truly distinctive style for his interior designs. He describes his style as dark, moody, and sensual, with muted tones. As he puts it: “That’s also the way I live.”

daisy james has shipped several of our wallcoverings to the United States, where David Anthony resides. Below, you’ll find a selection of images from the projects where he has used our products. We are proud that someone like him appreciates our daisy james wallcoverings and materials and uses them to create such remarkable projects. The daisy james wallpapers used in these projects include The Liana and The Salmon.

Location Coco B’s – USA

Architect David Anthony Chenault
